Sunday, November 30, 2014


The author talks about what the children should be focusing on in school.  That it should not focus solely on the three R’s but should focus on socialization and peeking people’s curiosity.  I agree with this.  School is too much pressure and focuses on taking tests, and how you need this grade or you are viewed as a failure.  Then when people get in the real world it is not asked that you need to know what is the covalent bond of such and such.  You actually have to use real skills.  You must learn to be able to work with people and use your thinking skills to be able to figure things out.  However schools kind of negate this and want you to work by yourself (as my teacher was telling me in my Inspiring minds volunteer hours).  If kids are able to socialize than they can work better together, go off of each other’s ideas to form something great, and may be able to help each other if one student does not understand something.  Yes, I realize there is no conventional way to teach this, and yes I am aware if students socialize too much they may begin to goof off and not focus on the task that they are supposed to be doing.  However working together can help kids learn and making them use their curiosity allows them to grow.  Where would we be in live if people were not curious?  We would have never come to America, went to the moon, or advanced technology as much as we have.  These things need to be the main focus in school and not just tests. 

this quote is true.  Imagination comes from curiosity and can form something amazing that benefits everyone in the world.  That is why we should focus on that instead of tests.
in this Ted talk the man talks about how important curiosity was in his life.  He does not discuss how important taking the NECAP tests were, it was how curiosity helped him.   


  1. I like your perspective. Also, I feel everybody thinks there needs to be changes in teaching. Everything evolves over time, but yet how come education hasn't also? I would like to see less talking and more doing.

  2. Truth is no matter what you do in life you will be working with other people in some way or another. It is important that schools support this type of work environment rather than forcing students to work alone in isolation.

  3. Education needs to evolve and improve to fit the needs of today's society rather than one from the past. By kids fulfilling their curiosity and asking questions, they are able to expand their knowledge and learn how the world and society works around them. There should be less focus on tests and memorizing facts, and more on questioning as to why and how things work.

  4. I defiantly agree with you on this Zach. I think kids should be able to socialize more inside the schools.

  5. i agree, curiosity and socialization are very important.

  6. I definitely agree that natural curiosity and socialization are 2 of the most important things we learn in school. By putting so much emphasis on grades and testing, we are killing the curiosity in kids, and killing their desire to learn.

  7. I agree with you that if students work together it can allow them to grow. To bounce ideas off of each other.
