Saturday, September 27, 2014


It is sad that we live in a society that some people have to plan different teaching styles for if they are teaching black students or if they are teaching white students.  In one point of the reading it states that “white people do not listen”, is that the case that white people do not listen or is it that the particular people you are speaking to did not listen and the person you were speaking to happened to be white?  You cannot just mix everyone into one big group and make a statement like that, especially when teaching students.  It is not that white people do not listen and black students do, or black students do not listen and Asian students do or any other different version of groups of people.  What it truly is the problem is that this particular person is not listening.  Every person is different in so many different ways.  Some people will listen and do what you ask them to do, while others could care less about what is said and do whatever it is that they want to do.  It cannot be said that one race does not listen, that would be a stereotype, and a bad one at that.  If you make that stereotype then a person of the race you are stereotyping may come and you can negatively judge them before you know anything about them.  The sad part is the person you are stereotyping could be the complete opposite of what you think.  You must treat each person differently by who that particular person is because everyone on this world is different and you cannot let another person negatively impact a completely different person. 
this picture shows that you cannot judge a person until you meet and get to know them.

This link is yet another version of judging.  People could judge this girl since she is a beautiful model and say she is weak and cannot do things for herself.  Then you see she lifts weights and does martial arts, showing she is tough.  The stereotype about models are dumb and cannot do things for themselves does not apply to this girl.  This shows another example of get to know the person before you judge them because every person is different


  1. I agree with Zach completely about stereotypes and the Delpit reading. The reading brought attention to stereotypes and how negative and misconstruing they really are. Sometimes I find myself judging a book by its cover or assuming one person is like the rest because of something I have read or heard about one of their qualities, and then I feel bad because they are nothing like what I had assumed. Like Zach said every person is unique and has their own soul, qualities, and characteristics so it is unfair to judge them by preconceived ideas. This idea goes for society as a whole, but also individual classrooms.

  2. I also agree, that society has created groups to place all people into. Whether it is by race, religion, class, gender, or cultural groups, we seem to place people where we believe they would fit best. But that's the problem, we are placing them based on what we think, not what we know. Every person, despite those characteristics that help create them, has various components that make them an individual. Many people are quick to judge, and I have also been quality of this. But as teachers, it is important to get to know every student and find out what they are like outside the category they are constantly placed in.

  3. Zach, I totally agree with your comment, "You must treat each person differently by who that particular person is because everyone on this world is different and you cannot let another person negatively impact a completely different person". Unfortunately this world we live on is not fair, at all. There are plenty of people who only care about themselves and they set out to ruin the lives of good people even when the good people do no wrong to the bad.
